Wednesday, May 4, 2011

100 Amazing How-To Sites

As I clicked on a link that was in a tweet posted by Tony Robbins, I was brought to a site that was very interesting to me.  A site with the top 100 how-to sites listed (  I did not go through all of the sites, but I did check out a few.  I first clicked on a site titled  On that site, they have many how-to videos from making a root beer float to learning how to peel a potato in 2 seconds!  No joke, it's awesome.  Being a busy Mom, any way that I can I can save time is a must.  They also have a very strange but extremely quick way of peeling a hard boiled egg.  I always want to do what I can on my own instead of hiring someone to do it so when I saw some videos on how to change a tire, or how to build a garden, I was so curious to watch the videos.  I like the idea of learning new things and I take pride in the things I'm able to do on my own.  
Another site I found was called  It offers many tutorials from business to computers to finance and looks to be a very helpful and informative site.  It even offers exercise, health and lifestyle advice.  There are so many websites that offer great tips for ways to save time when making dinner, cleaning the house, creating a better lifestyle for yourself and your family, or just looking to learn something new.  They even lists that offer free e-books and how to learn Japanese.  There is no reason for anyone to say that they CAN'T do something.  Take it upon yourself to go out and do the research.  If you do the research, you'll reap the rewards.
Now, I know that there are sites out there with information that you don't necessarily want your children to see.  On the site I mentioned earlier, TrickLife, there are videos of things that you would not want your child to see, so please use caution when visiting these sites in front of your children. Unfortunately, the helpful videos and the not so helpful videos can be found on the same site, so just use your parental judgement when your child is online.
Can you recommend any sites that have great "how-to" information?  Is there something that you learned how to fix solely from doing research online?  I'm looking forward to hearing from you all.

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