My Family

7.13.2011 - My family and I have just returned from our family vacation to Upstate New York.  It is so beautiful up there and a nice change from the humidity that engulfs Maryland every summer.  My son loved it and was actually able to climb on the playgrounds and run around this year.  It was completely different than other vacations we've taken because now we're chasing after my son and not exactly relaxing much at all.  At the end of the day we're exhausted and can barely keep our eyes open for another game of Bingo.  But it was all worth it.  To see the pure joy and smiles on my sons face was more than enough for me.  What is it about our child's laughs and smiles that just makes us melt?  Even if they're being mischievous at the time.  To me, my son can do no wrong.  Well, let me rephrase that.  He can do wrong, but he's so cute doing it that it's hard to really be mad.  I'm sure once he gets older it might be a different story, but right now, he's my little favorite guy.  I'll post some of my favorite vacation pictures once I've uploaded them to my computer.  Vacations are much needed times when you can just get away.  It's important to take the time to remove yourself from your current reality to just do something different.  I found that even though I was still super busy, I was able to give my brain a break from the regular daily grind of work and housework to actually feel rested, even though I didn't really rest.  I hope you all have enjoyed your summers thus far and continue to take advantage of the nice weather.  Try to take a break from your daily grinds and relax a little bit.  You know you deserve it!

6.15.2011 - Here are some new pictures of my family and I when we spent the day in downtown Baltimore.  What a beautiful day and a wonderful way to spend a Saturday.

5.21.2011 - A visit to Pennsylvania to visit with some wonderful family friends.

4.28.2011 - Today was "take your child to work" day.  Even though my son is too young to participate in any activities that were planned in the office, my husband still brought him up to see me and my co-workers.  He was a big hit and the office was amazed at how big he's getting.  I still can't believe that he's already 1!!  It was a wonderful visit and I was anticipating their arrival all day.  It was such a treat to see them both during a workday.  I hope that he brightened everyone's day as much as he brightened mine.

4.22.2011 -My son's very first birthday cake.  Needless to say he took a bath right after digging into his sweet treat.  This was just the beginning.  He looks pretty clean in this photo.  We had a wonderful time and will remember this day forever.

4.22.2011 - My son is quite a ham when it comes to the camera.  This is one of many pictures taken for his 1 year old "photo shoot".